
This is a local dump for notes that I’ve collected over the years. I don’t promise that they are good or even useful, it’s just a way for me to have the organized somewhere! Take everything with a grain of salt.

Master’s Thesis

This is my master’s thesis. It contains some general notes on the basics of the Standard Model: starting from the Electroweak sector and going into the dynamics of the Higgs mechanism and spontaneous symmetry breaking. Going into the details of the Flavour structure of the SM with the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix and the related CP-violation. The second chapter deals with the perturbative dynamics of the strong sector of the SM where we evaluate the $1$-loop beta function, the renormalization group equations and asymptotic freedom. There is also a complete review of effective weak interactions, with a particular focus on the decays of heavy mesons like Kaons. These decays are fundamental in the understanding of CP-violation, which is the central topic of the thesis.

Electroweak Interactions in the SM

These are some notes I wrote for a course given in Sapienza University by prof. Guido Martinelli on Electroweak Interactions. There could be errors inside, I’ve never checked them back.

Notes on Equivariant Localization

These are notes of the IHES school on “Supersymmetric Localization and Exact Results” given by F. Benini