Analog Pictures
Here I have a collection of analog pictures made with my Olympus OM-1 from 1972 35mm camera. Most of the pictures are taken with a 50mm lens, but occasionally I like to use also a 135mm and a 35mm.
Here I have a collection of analog pictures made with my Olympus OM-1 from 1972 35mm camera. Most of the pictures are taken with a 50mm lens, but occasionally I like to use also a 135mm and a 35mm.
Here is a page where I collect some of the pictures that I've taken over the years and liked enough to publish them here!
Here I have a collection of pictures made with my Fujifilm X-S10, usually followed by some Lightroom/Capture One editing.
General talk for PhD students on recent developements of supersymmetric dualities in three dimensions. In particular, I discussed the results we obtained for chiral SQCD-like theories with Chern-Simmons levels in three dimensions obtained by real mass flow from non-chiral theories. These theories also had tensor matter which interacted through a $D$-type superpotential $W=\text{Tr} X Y^2+\text{Tr} X^{n+1}$. The dualitied were checked by means equivariant localization on the squashed $3$-sphere partition function.
Journal club on the paper on non-invertible self duality defects of $\mathcal{N}=4$ SYM in holography.
Spindles provide an interesting geometry for studying compactifications, where supersymmetry is preserved in a non-trivial way. In this talk I will give a review of my recent work on the effective 2d SCFTs living on M5-branes wrapped on product geometry of a Riemann surface with a Spindle. We provide a check of the AdS/CFT correspondence for these theories by matching the 2d central charge from the anomaly polynomial with the one found from the supergravity solution.
My poster contribution to the Spring School on Superstring Theory and Related Topics, held at ICTP and for Strings 2024 in Geneva. The poster is based on my paper BBBW on The Spindle.
My poster contribution to the String Math 2024, held at ICTP and for Strings and Geometry 2024 in Hamb urg. The poster is based on my paper Cardy Metches Bethe on the Surface: a Tale of a Brane and a Black Hole.
Presentation for my doctorate defense. Based on the paper BBBW on the Spindle.
Laurea Triennale, Unimi, Fisica, 2022
Here you can find the various notes of the lectures with the exercises presented during the lessons plus some other exercises that I didn’t have time to do in class. Most of the notes come with some basic theory behind the exercises themselves.
Laurea Triennale, Unimi, Fisica, 2022
Il corso consiste in cinque lezioni nelle quali verranno richiamate le basi della teoria degli insiemi, dell’analisi matematica e dell’algebra lineare. Il corso s’intende come un’introduzione a quegli argomenti che saranno trattati successivamente nei primi corsi di matematica della laurea in fisica.
Laurea Triennale, Unimi, Fisica, 2023
Here you can find the various notes of the lectures with the exercises presented during the lessons plus some other exercises that I didn’t have time to do in class. Most of the notes come with some basic theory behind the exercises themselves.
Laurea Triennale, Unimi, Fisica, 2023
Il corso consiste in cinque lezioni nelle quali verranno richiamate le basi della teoria degli insiemi, dell’analisi matematica e dell’algebra lineare. Il corso s’intende come un’introduzione a quegli argomenti che saranno trattati successivamente nei primi corsi di matematica della laurea in fisica.
Laurea Triennale, Unimi, Fisica, 2024
Laurea Triennale, Unimi, Fisica, 2024
Valutazione corso: per chi volesse, potete compilare questo form di valutazione del corso. La compilazione è completamente anonima e non è obbligatoria. Grazie mille a tutti coloro che lo compileranno. In bocca al lupo per la vostra carriera universitaria!