Tutorato Metodi Matematici della Fisica

Laurea Triennale, Unimi, Fisica, 2023

Here you can find the various notes of the lectures with the exercises presented during the lessons plus some other exercises that I didn’t have time to do in class. Most of the notes come with some basic theory behind the exercises themselves.

The lectures are held in presence in the following days

Monday17-18Aula C
Wednesday17-18Aula C

I strongly recommend to follow the lectures in class so that you can ask me any question directly. For any other questions related to exercises, done and not done during the lecture, you can contact Me or Massimo Frigerio at the following e-mail addresses

  • Davide Morgante: davide.morgante@mi.infn.it
  • Massimo Frigerio: massimo.frigerio@unimi.it

We organized also the following office hours, where the students can come and ask us questions

Monday14.30-15.30Davide - DC/T/37
Wednesday10.30-11.30Massimo - BO.DO 06

To have an appointment outside the office hours, just send us an e-mail!

My office, DC/T/37, is located at the ground floor, at the end of the central corridor to the left, near the bathrooms (the office is two doors from prof. Molinari’s office).

Massimo’s office, BO.DO 06, is located at the 5th floor of the LITA building.

N.B. I’m not going to be in Unimi untill the 15th June, so if you need to meet me or ask me question, you can send me an e-mail and we can orginese a zoom meeting. The rest of the lessons are going to be given by Massimo! If needed, we’ll organise more tutoring classes when I’m back.

  1. Complex Analysis:
    • Functional Theory of One Complex Variable - Greene, Krantz
    • Complex Analysis - Ahlfors
    • Elementi di Analisi Complessa - Presilla (Con moltissimi esercizi svolti)
    • Algebraic Curves and Riemann Surfaces - Miranda
  2. General Mathematical Methods:
    • Mathematics of Classical and Quantum Physics - Byron, Fuller
    • Mathematical Methods for Students of Physics and Related Fields - Hassani
    • Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering - Riley, Hobson, Bence
    • Appunti di Metodi Matematici della Fisica - Zanghì
    • Metodi Matematici della Fisica - Cicogna
    • A Guide to Mathematical Methods for Physicists - Petrini, Pradisi, Zaffaroni
  3. Differential Equations:
    • Ordinary Differential Equations - Arnol'd
    • Differential Equations, Dynamical Systems, and an Introduction to Chaos - Hirsch, Smale, Devaney
  4. Operators, Distributions and Functional Analysis:

Lecture 1: Complex differentiability, Holomorphic functions, Harmonic functions pt. 1 (27/03/23)

You can find the pdf of the lesson from this link. Next lecture we are going to do similar exercises for the students that couldn’t follow this lesson due to the laboratory course.

The second exercise solved by using differential equation techniques is here.

Lecture 2: Complex differentiability, Holomorphic functions, Harmonic functions pt. 2 (29/03/23)

You can find the pdf of the lesson from this link. The first exercise is in the pdf of the first lesson.

Lecture 3: Line integrals in the complex plane pt.1 (03/04/23)

You can find the pdf of the lesson from this link. The last exercise we didn’t do in class.

Lecture 4: Line integrals in the complex plane pt.2 (05/04/23)

You can find the pdf of the lesson from this link.

Lecture 5/6: Taylor and Laurent series, Radius of convergence, Cayley-Hamilton theorem for the power of a matrix (17-19/04/2023)

You can find the pdf of the lesson from this link. Here you can find some notes on Cayley-Hamilton theorem.

Please Note: There is an error in the solution of the Cayley-Hamilton exercise. I want to thank the students for making me notice it. You can find the right solution from this link.

Lectures 7 to 17: Various subjects

Here you can find all the lessons given by Massimo

Lecture 18: Tempered Distributions (19/06/2023)

You can find the pdf of the lesson from this link.

Lecture 19: Infinite dimensional Hilbert spaces, $L^2(X)$ spaces and separability (26/05/2022)

You can find the pdf of the lecture from this link.

Lecture 20: Solutions to first exam 22/06/2023

I’ll be in Aula C at the usual time (16-18) on Monday 26/06 to give you the solutions to the first exam of this session.