
Publication year:

2024, 2023, 2022.
  • Antonio AmaritiPietro GloriosoDavide MorganteAndrea Zanetti.Cardy matches Bethe on the Surface: a Tale of a Brane and a Black Hole. preprint, 2024 Paper
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    We consider the insertion of a Gukov-Witten surface defect in $\scriptsize{\mathrm{SU}(N)}$ $\scriptsize{\mathcal{N}=4}$ SYM corresponding to a probe D3-brane in the holographic dual setup. The defect gives rise to a $\scriptsize{4d}$-$\scriptsize{2d}$ coupled system encoding the entropy of the dual perturbed black hole, which can be extracted from the corresponding Superconformal Index. Elaborating on previous studies, we refine the results using both a saddle-point and a Bethe-Ansatz approach. The consistency of our computation is corroborated by the complete agreement between the two results in the appropriate regime of fugacities. Eventually, the sub-leading structure, emerging from our analysis, provides a suggestive EFT interpretation for the addition of the defect to the $\scriptsize{4d}$ system, mirroring the behavior of the probe D3-brane in the gravity dual.
      author = {Antonio Amariti and Pietro Glorioso and Davide Morgante and Andrea Zanetti},
      title = { {Cardy matches Bethe on the Surface: a Tale of a Brane and a Black Hole} },
      journal = {preprint},
      year = {2024}
  • Antonio AmaritiSalvo MancaniDavide MorganteNicolò PetriAlessia Segati.BBBW on the spindle. preprint, 2023 Paper
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    We study the spindle compactification of families of AdS$\scriptsize{_5}$ consistent truncations corresponding to M5 branes wrapped on complex curves in Calabi-Yau three-folds. From the AdS/CFT correspondence these models are dual to $\scriptsize{\mathcal{N}=1}$ SCFTs obtained by gluing of $\scriptsize{T_N}$ blocks. The truncations considered here have both vector and hyper multiplets and the analysis of the BPS equations on the spindle allows to extract the central charges. Such analysis gives also consistency conditions for the existence of the solutions. The solutions are then found both analytically and numerically for opportune choices of the charges for some sub-families of truncations. We then compare our results with the one expected from the field theory side, by integrating the anomaly polynomial.
      author = {Antonio Amariti and Salvo Mancani and Davide Morgante and Nicolò Petri and Alessia Segati},
      title = { {BBBW on the spindle} },
      journal = {preprint},
      year = {2023}
  • Antonio AmaritiFabio MantegazzaDavide Morgante.Sporadic dualities from tensor deconfinement. preprint, 2023 Paper
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    In this paper we give a field theory explanation of two confining dualities that have been proposed in the literature based on exact results from supersymmetric localization. The first confining model under investigation is 4d $\scriptsize{\text{SU}(N_c+1)}$ SQCD with a conjugate rank-$\scriptsize{2}$ anti-symmetric tensor, $\scriptsize{N_c+3}$ anti-fundamentals, $\scriptsize{2N_c}$ fundamentals and a superpotential that couples the anti-symmetric tensor and the fundamentals. The second confining model studied here is $\scriptsize{3d}$ $\scriptsize{\mathcal{N}=2}$ $\scriptsize{\text{USp}(4)}$ gauge SQCD with two fundamentals, two rank-$\scriptsize{2}$ anti-symmetric tensors and vanishing superpotential. Here we prove that these models are confining by using the technique of deconfining the anti-symmetric tensors and then by flowing to the IR description by sequential dualities. As a bonus the analysis provides (alternative) proofs of the identities obtained from supersymmetric localization.
      author = {Antonio Amariti and Fabio Mantegazza and Davide Morgante},
      title = { {Sporadic dualities from tensor deconfinement} },
      journal = {preprint},
      year = {2023}
  • Antonio AmaritiDavide MorganteAntoine PasternakSimone RotaValdo Tatitscheff.One-form symmetries in 𝒩$\,=3$ $S$-folds. SciPost Phys., 10.21468/SciPostPhys.15.4.132, 2023 Paper
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    We classify the global one-form symmetries for non-Lagrangian $\scriptsize{\mathcal{N}=3}$ SCFTs that arise by the action of $\scriptsize{S}$-fold projections on D3-branes. Such a classification is dictated, on a generic point of the Coulomb branch, by probing the charge spectrum of $\scriptsize{(p, q)}$-strings in the brane setup. The charge lattice of lines is then obtained by finding the ones that are genuine modulo screening by dynamical particles. The one-form symmetries are then extracted from the maximal sub-lattices of mutually local lines. We further comment on the existence of non-invertible symmetries for some of these $\scriptsize{\mathcal{N}=3}$ SCFTs.
      author = {Antonio Amariti and Davide Morgante and Antoine Pasternak and Simone Rota and Valdo Tatitscheff},
      title = { {One-form symmetries in 𝒩$\,=3$ $S$-folds} },
      journal = {SciPost Phys.},
      doi = {10.21468/SciPostPhys.15.4.132},
      year = {2023}
  • Davide MorganteAntonio Amariti.Chiral dualities for SQCD$_3$ with D-type superpotential. JHEP, 10.1007/JHEP02(2023)032, 2022 Paper
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    We study dualities for $\scriptsize{3d}$ $\scriptsize{\text{U}(N_{c})_k}$ chiral SQCD with $\scriptsize{D_{n+2}}$-type superpotential, with $\scriptsize{n}$ odd. We give a complete classification of such dualities in terms of the number of fundamentals and anti-fundamentals and the Chern-Simons level. The classification is obtained by real mass and Higgs flows from non-chiral dualities and we check the consistency of the new non-chiral dualities at the level of the partition function. We we also check that the complex phases appearing in the integral identities between the partition functions are consistent with the contact terms computed as quantum corrections to the effective Chern-Simons level. The $\scriptsize{\text{SU}(N_{c})_k}$ cases are recovered by gauging the topological symmetry from the $\scriptsize{\text{U}(N_{c})}$ dualities. Finally, we consider the case of $\scriptsize{\text{USp}(2N_{c})_{2k}}$ with two antisymmetric tensors and $\scriptsize{D_{n+2}}$-type superpotential.
      author = {Davide Morgante and Antonio Amariti},
      title = { {Chiral dualities for SQCD$_3$ with D-type superpotential} },
      journal = {JHEP},
      doi = {10.1007/JHEP02(2023)032},
      year = {2022}
  • UTfit collaborationDavide Morgante.New UTfit Analysis of the Unitarity Triangle in the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa scheme. Rend.Lincei Sci.Fis.Nat. 34 (2023) 37-57, 10.1007/s12210-023-01137-5, 2022 Paper
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    Flavour mixing and CP violation as measured in weak decays and mixing of neutral mesons are a fundamental tool to test the Standard Model (SM) and to search for new physics. New analyses performed at the LHC experiment open an unprecedented insight into the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa (CKM) metrology and new evidence for rare decays. Important progress has also been achieved in theoretical calculations of several hadronic quantities with a remarkable reduction of the uncertainties. This improvement is essential since previous studies of the Unitarity Triangle did show that possible contributions from new physics, if any, must be tiny and could easily be hidden by theoretical and experimental errors. Thanks to the experimental and theoretical advances, the CKM picture provides very precise SM predictions through global analyses. We present here the results of the latest global SM analysis performed by the UTfit collaboration including all the most updated inputs from experiments, lattice QCD and phenomenological calculations.
      author = {UTfit collaboration and Davide Morgante},
      title = { {New UTfit Analysis of the Unitarity Triangle in the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa scheme} },
      journal = {Rend.Lincei Sci.Fis.Nat. 34 (2023) 37-57},
      doi = {10.1007/s12210-023-01137-5},
      year = {2022}